宾夕法尼亚州. ——bck体育官网学生, 教职员工和校友企业家与来自美国各地的风险投资公司和初创公司创始人一起参加了 2023 创建bck体育官网 & IP会议, 10月举行. 16-17 at the 好时 Lodge in 好时.
The 2023 conference gathered more than 400 attendees, 包括63家初创公司, 40 investors and 16 sponsors, working together to drive the efforts of entrepreneurs, researchers and others into the next phase of their businesses. One of the largest tech startup conferences in the mid-Atlantic, 该活动突出了来自高增长和新兴市场的创新,并扩大了bck体育官网多样化的技术和创业研究工作.
“今年的冒险 & 知识产权会议以多样化和bck体育官网丰富的演讲为特色,为与会者提供了新的视角和影响力, actionable advice to grow and achieve their goals,詹姆斯·德拉特说, 研究助理副总裁兼创业与商业化办公室主任. “今年在好时举办会议使我们能够展示我们的领导能力, innovations and facilities of the Penn State College of Medicine. 会议还展示了bck体育官网一些最有前途的创业努力, as well as disruptive technologies born from Penn State research, which are well on their way to changing the world for the better.”
会议由负责研究的临时高级副总裁安德鲁·里德(Andrew Read)致开幕词,以及八位bck体育官网学生企业家在学生创业展示会上的演讲拉开序幕. Each entrepreneur received $2,000 to help move their company forward.
每个学生创业公司都是根据创业公司在发明bck体育官网的成功参与来选择的 暑期创始人计划, 公司.你的竞争 or LaunchBox and Innovation Network 编程.
The Student Startup Showcase featured:
- 玛丽·理查森,大四学生,攻读工商管理学士学位 宾州州立大学. 她的公司, Bindr, 一款包罗万象的约会应用是否能为双性恋者提供一个安全的在线空间.
- 贾斯汀·勒斯纳(Justin Leusner)是一名大三学生,他正在攻读哈佛大学企业创新与创业专业的学位 斯麦商学院. 他的公司, TDAY体育, 为Z世代提供符合他们兴趣和社交平台使用的体育内容.
- Eric Leon,大四学生 施赖尔荣誉学院 攻读生物医学工程和机械工程双学位的学生 工程学院, along with a certificate in humanitarian engineering and social 创业. 他的公司, 短促声波警报, 特色是一个创新的应用程序,在充满挑战的非洲环境中提供可靠的新闻.
- 诺兰派伊, 他是Schreyer荣誉学院的一名大四学生,在工程学院攻读计算机工程学位. 他的公司, Preventi, 具有治疗提醒应用程序,旨在简化药物依从性并增加患者的健康素养教育.
- Omar Rady是工程学院计算机科学专业的大四学生. 他的公司, OfferPilot, provides a solution to help students find and secure entry-level positions, 从构建一个完美, tailored resume to cover letters.
- Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio,攻读土壤科学学位的博士候选人 College of Agricultural Sciences. 她的公司, 颜料和颜料, manufactures soil-based paints using natural, 无毒, 环保成分和高级材料,适合艺术家和儿童.
- Anish Nangare,大三学生,攻读企业技术集成学位 College of Information Sciences and Technology. 他的创业, 圣人艺术, 创建一个平台的目的是帮助年轻的数字艺术家通过他们的艺术赚取利润吗.
- Khalid Jordan, a junior pursuing a business degree with a marketing focus from 宾州州立大学白兰地酒. 他的公司, YozoraTs, is an anime T-shirt company.
The two-day event also featured Venture 连接ion, 企业家和风险资本家之间根据行业和资本需求预先配对的撮合活动, 在其他关键标准中.
The conference’s first day rounded out with the Tech Tournament, 展示了bck体育官网强大而多样化的研究企业所诞生的颠覆性技术和早期公司. Eight competitors competed for a grand total of $45,000 in innovation awards. The winners of the Tech Tournament included:
- 第一名(25美元,000) was awarded to LionGlass, a patent-pending glass compositional family that offers, 第一次, an alternative to standard soda lime silicate glass, reducing the carbon footprint of the glass industry by more than 50%.
- 第二名(10美元),000) was awarded to Opthalmize, 一个小, 可生物降解的泪管植入物,在30天内逐渐释放抗炎药物溴芬酸.
- 10美元,000 People’s Choice Award went to Lightscline Data Reduction AI, 通过教机器专注于10%的重要数据,可以减少高达90%的传感器数据分析成本.
在为期两天的活动中,企业家和投资者也有机会参加多个小组讨论, where they heard and learned about intellectual property and raising funding, 在其他当前话题中.
After the Student Startup Showcase, Read hosted a fireside chat with recently appointed College of Medicine Dean Dr. 卡伦金. 他们讨论了bck体育官网和联邦之间跨学科合作的新机会,以促进技术和医学进步.
The conference also included a keynote presentation from Philip Gaskin, vice president of 创业 at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. He shared the findings of the Kauffman Foundation’s “Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs: Removing Barriers,该报告强调需要增加对边缘化创始人领导的公司的融资.
The event concluded with a fireside chat between Eric Ewell, director of the Mon Valley LaunchBox powered by Penn State Greater Allegheny, and Rodney Sampson, general partner of 100个黑色天使 & 盟友基金. 两人讨论了桑普森令人印象深刻的背景,他是21世纪初三位黑人联合创始人之一,他们的高增长科技初创公司筹集了超过100万美元的天使和风险投资,随后以八位数的价格被收购.
To learn more about Penn State-affiliated startups, visit the 启动导航器. To view more Penn State technologies in development, visit the IP导航器. To find more entrepreneurial resources across the commonwealth, visit the 资源导航器.
创造bck体育官网 is a commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, job creation and student career success. 创造bck体育官网 blends 创业-focused academic programs, business startup training and incubation, funding for commercialization, 以及大学/社区/行业合作,以促进将研究发现转化为有价值的产品和服务的具有挑战性的过程,这些产品和服务可以造福宾夕法尼亚人和人类.
这个项目的部分资金来自宾夕法尼亚州联邦的拨款, 社区事务署 & 经济发展.